- Materia in North Cave Left-Down path that required to be picked up during a jump sequence can now just be picked up from the ground
- Adjusted conditions for Biggs, Wedge, Jessie to not be visible on the train during Type B
- Added information about the buggy when acquiring it, including that it can be boarded onto the Cargo Ship in Costa Del Sol.
- Added an opportunity to save the game after Reactor No.5
- Adjusted Cait's appearance condition in Costa Del Sol to prevent him appearing before recruitment
- Changed triggers for examining the vent in the train tunnels; an issue where the Type A route could be blocked under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue where an item could be picked up repeatedly from Floor 65's conference room
- Removed debug NPC from the Highwind
- Morph damage modifier changed to 30% of regular attack damage (credit to PostScriptThree)
- Bottomswell range-row set to normal