- Toggle flags for Hard mode, Battle Music, and No EXP fixed
- Hard Mode: Parameters adjusted
- Moved Tifa dialogue boxes in old woman's house in Under Junon
- Removed a 17th Field model from Junon Parade
- Tifa & Cid were invisible when entering the Slums Park on Type B
- Reference to Type A events removed from Type B Wall Market
- 1/35 Soldier in Midgar Raid was giving Vaccine instead of the item
- Yuffie Innate text updated in-game and in documentation
- Ahriman in North Crater now carries the Mustard Bomb enemy skill (Manipulate)
- Mt. Nibel Flashback, Fountain SFX wasn't being played
- Name change function on a certain Chocobo disabled for Cloud, Cait, and Vincent
- Magic Counter in Desert Prison was hidden on Type B
- Grimguard (Forgotten City, canyon in the back) now carries Javelin as a Steal
- Guard Ring & Relic Ring Steal location corrected in documentation
- Changed Mideel Materia shop inventory (post-collapse) to keep Osmose available
- Risk Ring added as a Morph to Goblin enemy (Goblin Islands)
- Four Slots added as a Steal to Ying enemy (Shinra Mansion Basement)
- Reactor 5 Type B boss downtuned
- OPTs in Underwater