- Mt. Nibel: Boss could be fought twice due to a script conflict.
- Battle Square: Dio appearing when not intended.
- Temple of the Ancients: Battle ID for Type B boss corrected.
- Land Worm: Was incorrectly targeting itself with a certain attack.
- Icicle Inn: Snowboarding instructions had overlapping windows.
- Dragon Force: Target flag prevented it from being used on party when attempting to learn it.
- Crater Dragon: Trine had no animation set.
- North Crater: 3 Save Points added to SP Upgrade Jump list & 1 Save Point on Left-Up Path was marked as hidden.
- Documentation: Corrected error that reported 1/35 location as east cave instead of west cave.
- Sea Worm: Attacks had incorrect base power.
- Great Glacier: Wrong BattleID was corrected.
- Steal Gil property was removed from some Type B enemies in Wall Market.
- Priscilla's House: Collision deactivated with Priscilla as it obstructed obtaining the Slow Materia later in the game.
- Kalm: Dog in the closet no longer deactivates player movement to prevent possible softlock (base game issue).
- Cave of the Gi: A script jump was missing, meaning that the boss from Type B and Type A was being fought on Type B.
- Shinra Mansion: Zack Flashback can now be triggered once Cloud returns to the party instead of Disc 3 only.
- Gelnika: Turks reinstated for Type B.
- Great Glacier: Variable was double-booked, preventing acquisition of a Materia here.
- Great Glacier: Variable was double-booked, preventing acquisition of an item in North Crater.
- Purple Materia Cave: Crash could occur as a variable decremented.
- Nibelheim: Reassigned variable to handle Final Heaven (acquired when Tifa is party leader).
- Kalm: Issue with Barret & Marlene's scripts.
- Forgotten City: An event could trigger at an unintended time.
- Fort Condor: Adjusted battle camera with Ultimate Weapon.
- Weaponsmith: Dialogue boxes misaligned for Cloud.
- Mustard Bomb: Changed Camera
- Mideel: Dialogue box misaligned
- Rocket Town: Collision disabled for two guards.
- Temple of the Ancients: Dark Matter Key Item wasn't being acquired.
- Drain Damage buffed to 25% of damage dealt
- Osmose: Adjusted to deal 1/2 the target's MP as damage, draining 25% of damage dealt for the caster's MP.
- Midgar Raid: Tweak to Turks scene so that screen is darkened/models set to invisible directly after the battle.
- HP Shout: Removed from boss drop, can only be acquired through Wonder Square (Disc 3); documentation updated.
- Elena: Midgar Raid appearance, AI adjusted to only use Turk Antidote once.
- Reflect Materia: Issue where selling price was giving close to max gil for Master.